My Background
Having spent the happiest days of my childhood playing outdoors in southeast Michigan, it was only natural that I was drawn to the sciences. After getting my Bachelor’s and Masters of Science degrees from the University of Michigan, I worked on sustainable food systems across West Africa and North Carolina, using research and policy to support sustainable farmers.
When I moved to North Carolina, I became exposed to the rich Appalachian culture of southern folk medicine. After struggling with my own health crises and witnessing the powerful healing abilities of plants firsthand, I made the decision to switch career trajectories so I could help others on their healing journeys.
I currently live in Durham with my incredible husband, where I am working towards building my herbal business, and an ever-expanding herb garden!
My philosophy is guided by a deep respect for the plants that provide nourishment, support and medicine.
Clinical Herbalist, Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine (over 2000 hours of education and clinical training)
Community herbalism, Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine
B.S., Ecology, University of Michigan
M.S., Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan
Certificate in African Studies; University of Michigan
My Approach
My approach is holistic, integrative, and person-centered.
Each of us is born with innate healing abilities, our bodies always striving towards balance. Think of your body like an ecosystem- with many interconnected systems that are working together, behind the scenes, to keep you healthy. It’s quite incredible! This intricate system can be thrown off balance by the demands of modern life - stress, poor sleep, a nutrient poor diet- triggering effects that manifest as illness. As a clinical herbalist, I'll help you find balance, by supporting and strengthen your own healing capabilities, through positive lifestyle changes and herbal support.
Many of my clients come to me when they can't find answers from modern medicine. They may find temporary respite only to have their symptoms return. Part of the problem is that modern medicine, while helpful for many problems, often treats the symptoms without addressing the cause. For complex health concerns, it's important to address the root causes of the imbalances. This is why I take a holistic approach, working to assess and correct imbalances at the source, for longer lasting effects.
A holistic approach means several things: first, the mind-body connection is vital to healing. Helping clients find healthy, positive ways to cope with stress is an essential component to my practice. Second, I view each client's case holistically, supporting imbalances across multiple body systems. For example, recurring eczema may be connected to issues of immunity, food sensitivities, and/or impaired ability of the body to eliminate waste. Through in-depth assessment and research, I will help you get to the bottom of your health concerns. Third, I provide a holistic wellness protocol tailored to each client's individual needs, that provides guidance with diet, sleep, stress, exercise and herbal formulation.
Trained in the functional herbalism model, based off of functional medicine, I apply an integrative approach. In other words, I integrate aspects of traditional herbalism with modern assessment to provide optimal care for each client. An example of this would be using laboratory testing or bloodwork to help identify imbalances, then supporting these with herbs, diet, supplements, exercise and stress relief. Herbalism can provide powerful, gentle tools to support and enhance the effects of modern medicine.
I often integrate my scientific background into my clinical work, applying my knowledge of physiology to inform my assessment, and frequently consulting peer-reviewed literature for case research. Finally, I believe science and intuition can work together; intuition is the light that draws me in deeper, providing insights to guide my relationships with plants and clients.
My work is focused on supporting the person, not attacking the illness. We have evolved incredible healing abilities, and my job is to support those natural mechanisms, helping your body to heal itself. I recognize that this looks different for each person, which is why I take the time to listen to your story, and work collaboratively with you to design a plan that fits your need, and works with your lifestyle.
Respect and Reciprocity
My philosophy of healing is guided by a deep respect for the earth, and for the plants that provide nourishment, medicine, and energetic support. In the spirit of reciprocity, I believe it is our responsibility to be stewards of the land, to tend to the earth as she tends to us. I practice sustainable gardening techniques, source local and organic ingredients whenever possible, and ethically wildcraft in local meadows and forests. I feel that a vital part of my job is to help people reconnect to the land, a relationship that many have forgotten. After all, how can we hope to heal, or be healed by, an earth we don't feel connected to? Through community classes and my work with clients, I hope to remind people of our deep and intimate connection with the natural world.
Giving Thanks
My work would not be possible without the loving support of my husband, Rohit Warrier (who also crafted the beautiful furniture for my apothecary!). I am also so grateful for the teachers who have guided and inspired me along the way, including Thomas Easley and Lindsey Feldpausch.
I love that herbalism is best of both worlds! A chance to combine research and tradition, science and intuition, work with plants and people!
My journey as an herbalist begins as a girl. I would spend hours picking flowers to make "medicine", near my beloved creek. I didn't know the medicinal benefits of the dandelions or clover I would find, but I was captivated by the idea of finding medicine in my own backyard. It would be years later, and many twists and turns, until I would find my path to herbal healing.
My journey to healing
The Garden
"As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us"
Robin Wall Kimmerer
What's in the garden?
This past spring, I spent the early days of quarantine building my new rock garden. My husband and I carefully placed each stone in this circular rock bed, truly a labor of love! It is the perfect place for plants that love drainage, especially the lavender! He built the gorgeous pergola by hand two years ago, and the muscadine grapes we planted provided a plentiful harvest this year.
In the surrounding beds we planted blue vervain, calendula, tulsi (rama and karpoor), lemon balm, marshmallow, elecampane, calendula, california poppy, echinacea, sochan, skullcap, evening primrose, feverfew, lemongrass, motherwort, anise hyssop and daturra (for it's beauty). This coming spring I plan to build another garden, with St. John's Wort, mullein, comfrey, and more!
The Apothecary
Designing and crafting herbal medicine is one of my favorite parts of being an herbalist! I thoughtfully formulate each product based on the actions and energetic principles of the herbs, with an intuitive knowledge of how they work synergistically. This process can take months, and sometimes years, as I continue to refine products.
For each product, I use the finest quality ingredients, including ethically wildcrafted, organic and locally grown herbs when available. I grow and forage as many of the herbs as I can, always using sustainable and chemical-free methods. Currently, products made from my homegrown herbs include the blue vervain, tulsi, evening primrose, lemon balm, passionflower, evening primrose (featured in the Lighthearted and Sweet Dreams tinctures!)
Companies I currently source from include:
Mountain Rose Herbs
Starwest Botanicals
Frontier Coop
Maple Spring Gardens
Poppysol NC
Organic Alcohol Company
King Cobra Apiary